❓ about

Frequently asked questions, and other stuff about mae and things. Last updated: 2024/06/07

× what's the best way of contacting you?

I'm best contacted by email if you want a prompt response:

contact [at] maeworl [dot] xyz

no spam, and be nice, pls!

you're welcome to contact me on websites where I upload my work, keeping in mind that I don't check all places all the time. definitely prioritise email if you can!

× do you do commissions and other paid work?

not at this time. I want to gain more confidence in my art, and honestly, more speed in what I do, too. if this ever changes, I'll be sure to let you know, though.

× do you do trades or collaborations?

nope. it all feels too much like an obligation to me, rather than something fun. I also deeply care about my art being free use, and don't want to deal with a collaborator backing out, or being unable to release a work freely because of someone else's character or concept being included.

× what about requests or suggestions?

not right now! I intend to at some point have means of accepting them with stuff involving my characters only. probably set up a shoutbox on here or something... hmm.

× can i redistribute / use / edit / do other thing(s) with your work?

ye! nearly all of my works are dedicated to the public domain as much as possible by being released under a CC0 1.0 Universal public domain dedication. some unfortunately are unable to be released under CC0 for various reasons, usually from containing non-original elements which others maintain the rights to. note that the amount of works that are released under CC0 greatly outnumbers the ones that aren't, and that most were older works. you can learn more about what this all entails by clicking here. it's recommended you have a read of that before doing anything with my work, just to be informed.

keep in mind that even though you can use my CC0 works, that certain services might not want you doing so. some art sites may only allow you to upload what is entirely your own creation, and may not allow modifications of existing content, even content in the public domain. also, you're the judge on whether the platform sees merit in horny animal drawings or not.

I do not endorse any particular usage of my work, nor am I liable for anything that happens as a result of it being used.

you can still credit me or link back to here if you really want, it's appreciated!
consider donating too if you'd like to support me!

× does this mean I can use your works for generative artificial intelligence programs and similar?

yeah, if you wanna! the public domain declaration is very serious with no takesies backsies. you are free to feed my works into your various datasets and projects for whatever purpose you please! my stuff isn't much, but at least you're using things that are definitely okay to use. make cool and good things, and consider releasing any generated works freely as well!

and aye, definitely look into thinking up and doing art on your own unassisted, imagination is rad and leads to some extra neat ideas, and after all, it's why such technologies can exist to begin with, anyone can doodle, I believe in u 😤

× what about works without the "zero" logo?

you're welcome to use such works still, it's just not actually released into the public domain for a variety of reasons. usually, it's because I'm using characters or making references to IP I don't own. even if it's parody, it ain't right to release such things into the public domain.

that being said, I'm not gonna complain if you do use such works, though! go for it if you really wanna, just note that some rights may be reserved, so if you specifically need free use works, you have to look for works with the CC0 mark.

× can i do X with your character(s)?

yes! my characters are here to be enjoyed by everyone, so feel free to use them for a variety of things, whether that be fanart, commissions from others, roleplay, inspiration for your characters, a base, etc.

there is no need to ask for permission, feel free to surprise me with stuff! of course, if you're really doubtful, just get in contact with me wherever I publish art, or shoot an email.

look at the actual deed for more details, but basically: I'm not liable or responsible for how you choose to use my works, and whatever comes of it. You can't imply or state outright that I endorse your particular use of my works.

oh and, feel free to use my characters as a base for your own characters, or modify them as you see fit ^^ I recommend following the character references as best as you can, but you feel free to go against it when you feel it's necessary, don't stifle your creativity, yo

× why is müll called müll? do you know that it means "trash" in german?

yes, i knew that. here are the reasons:

the lore reason: müll was named by her mother, a powerful witch who resided in south-west germany. her mother was seeking to finish her biggest project yet, a one-of-a-kind transformation brew that would turn any feral creature placed into it into an anthropomorphic being, which had never been done in this world. to accomplish this, she had to go through a few dozen cats and a few dozen batches of transformation brew. while the first few cats were given proper names, she found herself getting frustrated at failed concoctions which killed the cats involved. later, cats in the experimentation process were then given swears and various harsh descriptors as names in the midst of this frustration. finally, the last cat, müll (meaning rubbish), was chucked into the final brew. with a bright light and explosion, this last brew was successful. müll's cool with the name, and does miss her mother, who created her and died shortly after because of witch hunters nearby.

the real reason: wanted to make furry creacher and was learning german at the time and picked a random word

if you thought that was interesting in any way, consider checking out her lore page! ...keeping in mind that it's a work-in-progress.

× what do you use for drawing?

I primarily work digitally. For art software, I'm either using Clip Studio Paint or Krita (usually if I'm on a Linux distro).

Regarding what hardware I'm using, I use a Huion Kamvas Pro 20 (2019) pen display for drawing. For older works (prior to early 2020), I used an iPad Pro 12.9" for drawing in Procreate.

× what happened to your twitter?

I got the hell outta there. the site in general contributed majorly to daily stress for me, I didn't like the witchhunting / clique aspects of it I saw (and fortunately avoided), didn't like the obligation I had to mutuals to like all of their stuff (and not getting the same effort I put in in return), and I'm really not a fan of the specimen who runs it, who is also not a fan of people like me

I made an effort to announce my other places online in advance, but twitter actively suppresses posts that are just links only, so oh well.

...that's it for now. thanks for reading~