Müll Lore and Background

Extended lore details of the chubby witch cat, Müll!

⚠️ currently under construction. contents may change at any time, and is more for personal reference (and lore fiends). this is my attempt at coalescing multiple discussions together, from different places. do *NOT* freaking bully me


Name. müll was named by her adoptive mother, a powerful witch who resided in south-west germany. the name came about during her mother's frustration with an experiment she was working on at the time, which involved Müll, alongside many other stray cats. Müll means rubbish, trash, garbage. Other cats involved in the experiments were given similar names, as they were rather expendable.

Species. Müll is a domestic cat (Felis catus). Although she was a stray cat since her birth on the streets, she was not feral, and quickly got used to life indoors from her adoptive mother. She has no recollection of her birth mother, and her birth mother likely has no recollection of Müll as well. Like other stray kittens, she would have been abandoned shortly after she could start to eat solids, and could somewhat fend for herself. It is not known whether she has any living relatives from the original litter. In her original feral form, she's a moggy cat, a mixed breed of sorts. She was long-haired, likely another descendant of the Siberian Forest Cat mixed in some manner with other breeds. Her long hair is referenced in her anthropomorphic form, where her head hair goes down to her waist.

Height. In her anthropomorphic form, Müll is 5’1” (155cm) tall.

Weight. In her anthropomorphic form, Müll weighs 175 lbs (79kg). She borders on obese when her height and weight is used in a BMI calculator, but keep in mind such a system isn’t a good indicator for health, nor should it be used to judge the health of a fictitious, furry character.

Build. Müll is short, curvy, and fat. She could be considered pair-shaped to some. Her fat distribution makes her voluptuous, with a majority of the fat on her pooling around her lower belly, hips, thighs and buttocks. She has mild belly rolls under her breasts, which are primarily visible when she’s slouched, laying down, balled up, or sitting. Fat distribution around the upper half of her body is otherwise minimal, and her cute chubby cheeks are a lovely coincidence. She doesn’t possess enough fat or loose skin around the area to have a double chin or similar. Her breasts, without any magical intervention, tend to sit around cup size D, and aren’t the main focus for most people when the topic becomes sexual.

Hair/fur. Müll's history of being a long haired cat is reflected in her anthropomorphic form, where in addition to her long and curly head hair, tufts of fur can be seen across her body. She has cheek tuft, chin tuft, chest tuft. She also possesses pubic and armpit hair. Her pubic hair is curled. Her armpit hair appears more like the tuft apart of the rest of her body. Müll has two fur colours; a base blue-green that leans more toward blue, and a secondary blue-green that leans more toward green. The secondary fur can be seen scattered throughout her body in the form of patches on her knees, her left shoulder, her right elbow, the tip of her tail, across her right eye, and surrounding the genitalia.

Age. Throughout Müll’s story, she can be seen at different ages.

The present: The present is how she will often be featured in works. She’s a young adult, hovering around what would be considered between 20-30 human years of age. She’s old enough for all the things, and even gets the occasional “madam”, as her physical appearance can sometimes appear older. This is a likely side-effect of her mother’s brew.

The beginning: The beginning of Müll as an anthropomorphic cat. This time is right after her transformation from a standard “feral” cat. She’s pretty similar to present day, but with shorter hair, less age detail in the face, and very slightly slimmer and less curvy. She doesn’t yet feel like a witch to anyone, nor herself, really. Müll’s transformation takes place whilst she is slightly more than a year old in human years as a cat (1 human year equalling 15 cat years). Although the whole magical process jumbles things up, and things like lifespan are suddenly now put into question with such a situation, she’s at least 18 human years old in her anthro form as a result of the timing.


Location. Müll lives alone in a cabin located on the outskirts of a village called Gutach. This village is apart of the Schwarzwald, a large forested mountain range.

In present day, this location is apart of a municipality (Gutach/Schwarzwaldbahn) in the Ortenaukreis district of Baden-Württemberg, a German state.

Time period. Some point around the early modern period in Europe, so 1500-1800. At this point, the medieval era came to an end, and witchhunting in the region rose to its peak, fuelled even more so by religious influence, superstitions and folklore.

The time period chosen is used specifically to better establish the setting, the attitudes of the time surrounding witches, superstitions and other folklore. At the same time, there's anachronisms that can be noticed, which can vary from Müll's use of German (modern word usage, not fully southern dialect), all the way to her tracht (The Bollenhut has only came about recently, within the last 200 years.)

Use of the modern day Bollenhut as opposed to more time-appropriate options is done because of its strong connection to Gutach specifically, compared to other hats seen in the Black Forest such as the Gupfhut and Schühut.

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